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ECR Management Highlight: Brent Boyer

08/09/2022 ECR News

How’d you get into your role?

Always a lover of financial puzzles and analytics, I came to accounting for commercial property management after a long and circuitous route through accounting work in various industries.  These experiences give me a comprehensive view and approach to the particulars of property accounting.  I enjoy delving into the details to construct solutions and processes, along with understanding and responding to the big picture needs of the various shareholders I interact with (co-workers, owners, tenants, banking partners, etc.), and find my work with ECR stimulating in the diversity of situations I encounter and am able to contribute to.

Why ECR? What makes the company special?

ECR Management provides an open, collaborative environment where inputs are considered and advances are taken, always with the goal of improving our ability to manage effectively the properties we’re entrusted with.  The people at ECR are special, leadership gives support and opportunities for assisting our community, and I’m grateful to be on this wonderful team.

What do you like to do outside of work? Tell us a little bit about yourself…

My wife and I both love to travel and explore, most recently taking a deeper dive into intriguing Guanajuato, Mexico.  I’m proud to be a Navy veteran, which contributed to my global travel opportunities.  I’m usually focused and quiet, but enjoy chances to ham it up (recent 70’s costume for a company event was a fun example) and sometimes let loose on the dance floor.

get in touch with Brent boyer


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